Publicity and openness turn research into science. Science communication is about passing on information and interaction within the scientific community and outside it. Science communication is not merely about communicating research findings. Responsible science communication increases confidence in scientific knowledge. Scientific publication is an important way for researchers to gain credit and therefore it is important that authorship is defined so as to fairly reward researchers.
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In academic publishing, it is common to assume there is a clear division of labour between researchers and language professionals. However, making a clear distinction between content and language quality is far from straightforward.
Publishing gives researchers academic merit, but authorship brings also responsibility for the content of the publication.
The traditional arenas for science communication are media publicity and non-fiction writing, with the latest addition of social media channels. Researchers’ science communication plans rarely include one major form of online publicity: Wikipedia.
If a researcher wants their findings to have an impact, they have to consider their audience’s opinions, world-view, and the challenges they face. These things might not become clear by simply reporting, but rather by engaging in dialogue.
Science education helps to boost children’s and adults’ science know-how. It means being familiar with science, research and their importance to society.
The European Accessibility Act brings e.g. e-books and the devices and software used to read them within the remit of accessibility regulation.
What can you tell about the initial results of research? Or about research that is partly only at the planning stage?
How do you bring your knowledge to the public?
A researcher can reflect on their own engagement with society through some ethical considerations.
The Committee for Public Information in Finland has formulated national recommendations for science communication.
The evaluation of research should be based primarily on expert evaluation at unit and researcher level.
The Helsinki Term Bank for the Arts and Sciences is an online service and tool for the production and publishing of information.