The articles on this website provide information on the processes behind research-based knowledge: the production, publication, and evaluation of research on the basis of reliable and responsible practices accepted in the research community. In order for science and research to benefit society, every stage of the research process must be carried out in a responsible manner.
Recent articles
Checklist helps participants in a research project to agree on authorship at every stage of the research.
The researcher’s professionalism demands responsible behaviour throughout – also when communicating – the research.
When conducting research in partnership with commercial interests, it is the researcher’s responsibility to safeguard research integrity.
Occupational codes or other ethical guidelines work in addition to TENK's guidelines.
At universities of applied sciences, the job of ethics committees is to conduct preliminary ethical reviews of research in the human sciences.
Ethical review means scrutiny and evaluation of a research plan in advance in the light of the ethical practices.
Besides TENK there are other advisory boards on research ethics in Finland.
In medical research an ethical review is always required, in human sciences review applies only to precisely defined research configurations.
The Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK has created a network of Research Integrity Advisers.
The online course Open Science gives researchers an introduction to ways in which science can be conducted more openly.
The open online course in research integrity teaches participants to consider research integrity as part of the research life-cycle.
The review of the State of Scientific Research in Finland approached the impact of research on society via the roles of science in society.