Support for more responsible research


The Responsible Research website is a one-stop source for information and tools to support responsible research in Finland.

Responsible research promotes reliable and collectively accepted practices of producing, publishing, and assessing scientific research. It supports the transparency, presence, and utilization of research in society.

The website Responsible Research brings together the coordination for Open Science, the Publication Forum, the Committee for Public Information (TJNK), and the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK. These actors work in the community formed by the Federation of Finnish Learned Societies. They have their own tasks and responsibilities, but they all share a common goal: promoting responsible research in Finland.

The web address offers a wide range of information and tools for supporting responsible practices in the research community in Finland. It also grants access to the individual websites of the four actors behind Responsible Research.

Information and events

News and current issues of Responsible Research from all the actors can now be found in one place. The event calendar includes all the events organized by the coordination for Open Science, the Publication Forum, the Committee for Public Information, and the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK.

The website provides a home for the Responsible Research articles (ISSN 2490-2004). The first of these articles were published already in the spring of 2018. Now there are almost two and a half hundred articles in Finnish, Swedish and English. They provide information on the processes behind research-based knowledge: the production, publication, and evaluation of research on the basis of reliable and responsible practices accepted in the research community.

Lifting up responsible research

In addition to news, events and informative articles, Responsible Research promotes responsibility in a variety of ways. One joint effort by cooperation is the Helsinki Initiative on Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication. This initiative encourages multilingualism in research and publishing in order to ensure the accessibility and impact of research-based knowledge, both internationally and locally.

The Responsible Research series (ISSN 2670-062X) publishes declarations, policies, reports, recommendations, and other documents in relation to the transparency, responsibility and accessibility of science and research, science communication, and interaction between science and society. Among the publications of this series are the policies and recommendations drawn up by the Finnish research community with the support of the coordination for Open Science.

Follow the Responsible Research Twitter @VastTiede and the social media channels of the individual Responsible Research actors for news and information. The website is funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture in Finland.

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