What to do if you suspect that your work has been plagiarised? How to tackle authorship issues? Who can help you with these problems, and what kind of research integrity framework do we have in place in Finland?
The Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK welcomes international researchers working in Finland to our research integrity afternoon in Zoom at 14-16 on Wednesday, 2 December 2020. The language of the event is English.
- TENK introduced
- Guidelines on responsible conduct of research in Finland
- Research integrity advisers in Finland
- Q&A
Welcoming words by Riitta Keiski, Chair of TENK and Dean of the Faculty of Technology at University of Oulu.
Come meet us at our virtual TENK office!
Register on this form by Monday, 30 November.
Link to the event will be emailed to you.
More information: Senior Adviser Iina Kohonen, iina.kohonen@tenk.fi
See also TENK’s videos on the RCR guidelines and ethical review in human sciences.