Communicating science can take time: textbooks and other professional literature 17.5.2018 Not all science communication is a high-speed performance. Slow tools are needed too. Pirjo Hiidenmaa Publishing Science communication Effects and impact of research Responsible Research
Science and the news media are united by striving for truth 17.5.2018 Both professions intertwine analysis of the reasons and the consequences of things, fuelled by a natural sense of curiosity. Ulla Järvi Science communication Freedom of research Research ethics and research integrity Responsible Research
Find out whether you need a permit for your research 17.5.2018 The research permit practices vary depending on the discipline and the type of research concerned. Jyrki Kettunen Research ethics and research integrity Responsible Research
Safeguard the anonymity of research subjects! 17.5.2018 The best way of identifying a research subject is by their name, but their identity can also be revealed by other information. Arja Kuula-Luumi Research data Data protection Responsible Research
Five days and one night of science 16.5.2018 The Science Forum is vital for bringing together scientists and the general public and as an opportunity to ask questions. Ilari Hetemäki Science education Science communication Responsible Research
What is a data management plan? 16.5.2018 The purpose of a data management plan is to guarantee the quality and validity of research data and its effective further use. Katja Fält Research data Research ethics and research integrity Responsible Research
Personal ORCID IDs for researchers 16.5.2018 ORCID provides each researcher with their own unique ID code, which helps to clearly determine the researcher’s authorship. Antti-Jussi Nygård Open science Publishing Authorship Responsible Research
Researched information to support decision-making at national level 3.5.2018 Science also has an impact in supporting decision-making at national level, knowledge-based leadership and developing operating practices. Risto Alatarvas Effects and impact of research Responsible Research
The concept of copyright differs from the research integrity concept of authorship 15.3.2018 The Finnish Copyright Act (404/1961) (with amendments) emphasises protection of the form of a work, not its content or idea as such. Rainer Oesch Copyright Authorship Responsible Research