
Strength through collaboration in Diamond OA publishing

In the spirit of Open Access Week and its theme of "Community over commercialization", the DIAMAS project is organizing a webinar on the topic of 'collaboration' in Diamond OA publishing 23 October 2024 15.00-16.00 C

Latest Responsible Research articles
Key publications

Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR)

Guidelines for the responsible conduct of research and for handling allegations of misconduct (the RCR guidelines) have been published by the Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK, which is appointed by the Ministry of Education and Cu

Science education recommendations

Scientific literacy changes the world. Science education recommendations (Committee for Public Information and Federation of Finnish Learned Societies 2021).

Content markup

Promoting Responsible Research

Open science logo.

Open Science increases access to research. Finnish Open Science co-ordination promotes responsible openness of research culture, data, publications and education with the whole research community.

Tiedonjulkistamisen neuvottelukunnan logo.

The Committee for Public Information (TJNK) is an expert body attached to the Ministry of Education and Culture. It follows progress in research, arts and technology and the development of knowledge in Finland and abroad

Tutkimuseettisen neuvottelukunnan logo.

The Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK, appointed by the Ministry of Education and Culture, promotes the responsible conduct of research, prevents research misconduct, promotes discussion and spreads information on research integrity in Finland.

Publication Forum logo.

Publication Forum is a classification of publication channels created by the Finnish scientific community to support the quality assessment of academic research.