OPERAS and Helsinki Initiative organize a Roundtable on Diamond OA and Multilingualism 14:00-15:45 (13:00-14:45 CET).
14:00-14:10 Opening (Janne Pölönen, TSV) and presentation of onsite participants
14:10-14:50 Keynote by Pierre Mounier on Diamond Open Access infrastructure (+ immediate Q&A on the presentation)
14:50-15:45 Roundtable discussion including Pierre and Finnish OA scholarly publishing, communication and funding experts and stakeholders, with comments (5-7 mins) by
- Sami Niinimäki (Ministry of Education and Culture)
- Pirjo Hiidenmaa (Professor of Non-fiction Studies and Non-fiction Writing, University of Helsinki)
- Pekka Olsbo (FUN Finnish University Libraries’ Network, University of Jyväskylä)
- Petja Kauppi (Elore – Journal of the Finnish Folklore Society)
- Mikael Laakso (Finnish Association for Scholarly Publishing, Hanken school of Economics)
On site participation at Tieteiden talo by invitation only (inquiries by email janne.polonen@tsv.fi).
Online participation on Zoom: https://tsv-fi.zoom.us/j/88996643682?pwd=UlNwOTF4dEhUMUdFRitXTjVrc0ptUT09
Pierre Mounier is deputy director of OpenEdition, a comprehensive infrastructure based in France for open access publication and communication in the humanities and social sciences. OpenEdition offers several platforms for journals, scientific announcements, academic blogs, and, finally, books, in different languages and from different countries. Pierre Mounier is also one of the coordinators of OPËRAS, the european infrastructure for open scholarly communication in the social sciences and the humanities and is, with Eelco Ferwerda, co-director of the Directory of Open Access Books.
OPERAS (open scholarly communication in the European research area for social sciences and humanities) is the European Research Infrastructure for the development of open scholarly communication in the social sciences and humanities.
Helsinki Initiative on Multilingualism in Scholarly Communication aims to encourage sharing research results beyond academia, support the national publication channels that enable multilingual publication, and promote multilingualism in the assessment and funding processes of research.