This webinar introduces TENK's research integrity adviser system, how it works and what its aims are. Welcome!
Research integrity advisers offer confidential and neutral advice to the staff of their organisation on questions of research integrity. If a researcher is concerned that good research practice has been breached or finds themselves suspected of research misconduct, a research integrity adviser can provide assistance. The Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK coordinates this system, and there are currently 157 research integrity advisers in 77 Finnish research organisations.
In this one-hour webinar, we go over the following:
- What do research integrity advisers do, and how does this system work?
- What kinds of questions can research integrity advisers help with?
- How do organisations benefit from this system?
This is a low-threshold event aimed at researchers, research administration, those interested in adviser activities and organisations in Finland that consider appointing a research integrity adviser. Join us online for an hour of discussion!
Sign up by 2 December 2024 using this registration form: https://tsv.gruppo.fi/online-applications/index.php/188275/lang-en
For more information about the event, contact Senior Coordinator Anni Sairio (see Contact).
You can read about research integrity advisers here.