The National Open Science and Research Coordination participates actively in many international networks. One of them is the Responsible Open Science in Europe (ROSiE) project.
TENK has published its new guideline The Finnish Code of Conduct for Research Integrity and Procedures for Handling Alleged Violations of Research Integrity in Finland 2023 in Finnish, Swedish and English.
The Finnish National Board on Research Integrity TENK will open the second Research Integrity Barometer survey in early 2023. The first barometer was carried out in 2019.
What are the prospects for the ethics of natural and environmental scientific research? To find out, we interviewed Sirpa Thessler, Vice-President of TENK and Director of the Natural Resources Unit at LUKE.
The ENRIO 2021 Congress on Research Integrity Practice opens a new European congress series that brings experts together to discuss and develop research integrity practices. The congress takes place online on 27-29 September 2021.
The Education Department of the Council of Europe has opened a call for Best Practices in Promoting Academic Integrity during COVID-19. The call is open until 20 August 2021.
The ENRIO 2021 Congress on Research Integrity Practice opens a new platform for mutual learning and exchange between research integrity experts and practitioners in Europe. The event takes place online on 27-29 September 2021.
What to do if you suspect that your work has been plagiarised? How to tackle authorship issues? Who can help you with these problems, and what kind of research integrity framework do we have in place in Finland?